Introducing You Breathe
You Breathe is a nasal dilator that revolutionizes breathing by maximizing nasal airflow for effortless and efficient nose breathing. More than a product, it’s your path to improved health and vitality.

Trois étapes faciles
Étape 1 : Nettoyez votre nez
Étape 2 : Appliquez les languettes magnétiques
Étape 3 : Fixez la bande de soulagement magnétique
  | ||
Durable |
Reste allumé toute la journée/nuit |
Sans danger pour la peau |
Résiste à la transpiration |
Fragile |
Tombe |

The You Breathe Starter Kit includes everything you need to improve your breathing effortlessly. Inside, you'll find 4 reusable magnetic bands in various sizes for a perfect fit, 30 single-use nasal strips for enhanced airflow, and a convenient magnetic applicator for easy setup. Perfect for day and night use!